Wednesday, July 22, 2015

Plant Parenthood

It rained a couple days this week so I put all the plants together outside so they can get some free water. It's so pretty to see all of them hanging out in one space. Proud plant mama. 

P.S. Russ and I got one of our first fruit trees (not pictured). 

P.P.S. Sometimes you go a long time before seeing one of your best friends but when you do see them, they're knocking on your front door carrying an avocado tree taller than they are.

Sunday, July 19, 2015


I'm writing this with a full heart, listening to some very rare--and very needed--California rain outside our bedroom patio door. Russell is next to me, passed out and asleep because duh it is after 10 o'clock, the dog is in his bed, and I have my quiet opportunity to blog and/or journal.

Last week, I celebrated a very happy 25th birthday. I had dinner with my family which ended with them singing happy birthday complete with candles on an ice cream cake. I was spoiled with presents from my husband (Jewelry! Hiking shoes! A TYPEWRITER!) and then spoiled some more with presents from my family. Russell even took the day off of work and we shopped for fabric because I am obsessed with sewing now, while also eating lots of good food.

But it doesn't end there - Russell is proving to be my favorite human because he is celebrating my birthday all month. [Insert cheesy giddy smile here.] I'm spoiled.

I'm the happiest I've ever been. We have a cool condo that we get to decorate together; I have a happy, healthy marriage; I have a rad group of friends; and so many more things to be thankful for.

I guess this post isn't really to update you guys about anything, it's not to brag about anything either. I guess this post is more for me. I need these constant times of reflection to remember everything that I'm thankful for. It's so easy to forget about all the good stuff. And I never want to.

Sunday, July 12, 2015

Virtual Home Tour (Before and After)

Behold, before and after pictures of our home. We are still in process of making our home pretty (honestly, it might be a never ending process) but here's what we have so far.

Our first day of when we received our keys:
Beyond happy. Our place was a short sale so...basically, it took a long time.
Pictures of our condo on our first day (aka "before" pictures). As you can see, almost all the walls were this tannish-brown color that Russ and I couldn't stand. Sorry in advance for the blur, I didn't bother to take lots of before pictures because all I wanted to do was fix it.

We brought those palm trees in. We wanted our neighbors to know that someone was finally moving in



Can't tell here, but kitchen had peach walls :(




I just realized that I didn't take any pictures of the bathrooms. Bummer. Oh well, just know that one was a peach color and the other was--you guessed it--poop brown.

As for our After Pics, see below!

Thursday, July 2, 2015

Quick Update! Bullet Point Edition (Lucky You)

  • Yes, we are all moved into our condo! 
  • We finally got our internet set up so I'm typing this in celebration.
  • I found some of my diaries I wrote when in college; I read through them and laughed at how funny I was. (What happened?) Then I became melancholy. I began to miss the people I wrote about. There's too much to think about when you read through two past years of your life in one sitting. Yet, it's also beautiful how all things work out.
  • We finished painting all the walls of our condo. It's so beautiful here. I will share pictures soon.
  • This year is not over yet - I have time to reach my goals. I have time to do amazing things.