Saturday, November 16, 2013

Six Months of Marriage

This post is a bit overdue but on October 27, Russell and I celebrated six months of being married! Yeah yeah, it's only six months but at the same time it's been SIX MONTHS. Can't believe we're already halfway to a year.

In celebration, Russ and I did a weekend trip to San Diego. We stayed at a little hotel close to downtown SD. At night, we went to a nice sushi dinner. We didn't realize that it was Halloween weekend on the 26th/27th and Gaslamp was having a Halloween costume contest. As a result, it was way more crowded than we expected. We were able to avoid the crowds and loud jostling since we ended up going to a well-hidden speakeasy where there were only a few other people hanging around. 

The next day, Russell and I rented a GOcar for an hour. It's basically a go kart that goes up to 40 mph that you drive around the streets of San Diego. The first thing that went through my mind was "How safe is this thing?" For an answer, one of the workers handed us one helmet each. At first I was scared as normal cars zoomed past us but if you had seen the look on Russell's face and how much fun he was having, you'd also think it was worth the safety risk. 

Small GOcar
Near the end of our one hour rental, we veered off the mapped course and drove around a neighborhood. There we found a neat little bridge that connected two hills.

We explored a bit and tried to get a feel of San Diego. Since our lease is ending next year, we are narrowing our choices of cities we can see ourselves settling in...and San Diego is one of the places we are looking into. We still don't know yet :)

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